Tuesday, November 22, 2011

RJ Goes to PMPC Star Awards for TV

Last night, I was privileged enough to have been invited by (PMPC Star Awards Best Lifestyle Show) Us Girls to guest on their fashion segment for Star Awards, where I was able to play as a Fashion Police.

H&M top, Topman pants, Zara shoes and Gucci bag.

Together with my new found friends Cheena Ng Lio (Fashion Designer), and the super fab, sexy and gorgeous UG host Denise Laurel, we chatted up about the fashion (clothes, make-up, hair) of the celebrities who attended the night's event. It was so much fun, going through and discussing about our best and worst dressed stars.

Here are some snapshots from last night's taping at Resorts World.

With Cheena and Denise. Smile! :)

Denise wearing a gorgeous black Rajo Laurel Gown, and Nicole Weisenhunt Jewelry. Definitely one of my best dressed stars last night. FAB!!!

Thank you to my friend Bryan Angeles, for inviting me (again) to guest on the show, and to Us Girls for the fun experience. Congratulations on your very well-deserved win! :)

Please catch the episode tomorrow night, Us Girls on Studio 23 at 9:30PM.

Cheerio! :)

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