Monday, January 30, 2012


Nothing but good vibes and love the whole day. I spent my day cooking pasta, meeting a client then bonding and catching up with one of my most favorite person in the world--- JESSICA!

It was so nice finally seeing her again, after quite a while, and we ended up eating, chatting up and moving from one place to another whole afternoon and evening.

Finally, I got to give her the drawing I made for her, and my long overdue Christmas present, and was able to have her taste my own recipe of vegetarian pasta I named after her.

The portrait of her that I made. :)

Two foodies unite! haha! At Starbucks eating the potato pudding and Jessica Supermodel vegetarian pasta I made for her. :)

Sweetie working the jacket I made for her. It's part of my <organic> collection last year. (a capsule collection I made for my aunt's friend's boutique in Hawaii) 

Jessica bought two rings for us. Mine's a bird (I love birds) and her's is a two loop with chains. SWEET! :)

The birdie ring she bought for me. CUTE!!!

 I always love hanging out with friends, not just friends but real friends whom you know are genuine and without pretentions whatsoever.

And did I tell you that whenever we see each other, I always get inspired fashion-wise? She is like my mana tree of fashion inspiration---I feel recharged and rejuvinated. She makes me feel FASHION in its truest sense.

Now I'm spending the night designing clothes and stuff. And proly planning on a collaborative collection with her.

Goodnight guys! :)

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