Friday, March 2, 2012

Beware: New Robbery Modus Operandi

*image courtesy of Google Images

Just this afternoon, around 1:30 pm, as I was on my way home from the Quezon City Hall to get my medical certificate, I was interrupted by a man asking if I know any place where tattooed youngsters hang out. I was about to ride a trike to our house when he approached me. He said he noticed my tattoos at the nek and arms that's why he asked me.

He introduced himself as PO1 Eric *i forgot the surname* and told me that just a few minutes ago, a riot has occured (there in Philcoa) an hour ago, where his neice and her niece's boyfriend got mobbed and beaten up by a group of tattoed guys and a lesbian. I told him I don't know about such place where tattoed guys hang out, and that I have no idea about the riot that happened as I was busy at the City Hall.

At first he was courteous, he told me he is undercover to investigate the incident and asked if I am okay to be asked a few more quetions just to help with the case since they are determined to find the "bad guys". Being someone who just wanted to help, I headed to his request and did cooperate.

His questioning was a bit verging into being accusing and abusive. It was like he's trying to make me admit I am part of the group which caused the riot and hurt his family members. It kinda put me off and just told him there's is no way I am part of that group, or any group for that matter since I am not very sociable and I dislike being in a group.

Then a lesbian (sorry guys, I don't intend to sound discriminating or anything, just giving you a clear narrative about the events) walked infront of us (we are still near the tricycle bay) and he also asked the lesbo if he can interrogate her since it was said that part of the riot gang was a lesbian wearing black and has highlights on her hair, which perfectly fits the look of the lesbian who just walked by. The lesbo, (she said her name is Joy) said yes, and like me, said that she was no part of the gang.

Then another man came in the scene, and was introduced by the "police officer" as Kagawad. He said they are taking Joy and I to the precinct to be asked a couple of more questions. They asked us to cooperate and even threatened us that if we refuse, there is possibility that we will be suspected as guilty or part of the group.

On our way to the "precinct", we (the police officer, the kagawad, Joy and I) walked from Philcoa to Eliptical Road near the Department of Agriculture. At this point, I was already skeptical about the things happening and knew right then that something is really wrong. "PO1 Eric" kept on asking questions and quite insisting that we should cooperate or else we will be accused of being guilty.

He even told us that his niece lost her wallet containing money, and her cellphone. He asked Joy and I how much money we were carrying that time and asked if we have our ATM with us. He even checked our phones. By that time, my suspicions grew wildly and I knew right then that something isn't right.

We stopped at the waiting shed infront of the Department of Agriculture. "PO1 Eric" told me that he will have Joy join him first at the precinct, as the victims were there to identify if she was part of the riot. He left me at the waiting shed with the kagawad. Before they left, PO1 Eric asked Joy if she can leave her bag with me since she needs to go at the precinct carrying nothing so as we won't be suspected by the other police fficers ("Kpaga nakita kayong may hawak na malaking pera at cellphone, baka paginitan kayo ng ibang pulis isipin na kasama nga kayo nung gang at kayo ang nagnakaw ng pera ng pamangkin ko")

While PO1 Eric and Joy were away, I was hinting to the kagawad that I already want to go. I told him that this is not the proper way of policemen to interrogate a civilian because of an incident. I also told him that I have a bad feeling and that I will not hesitate to make a call to someone I know from the Police (but I actually do not know anyone from the authorities). I opened my phone and pretended to text. The kagawad said he needs to see what I am texting just to make sure that I am not texting "my gang mates", if ever I was involved. I showed him my phone, which is on the message screen with me typing the message "Da, ini-interrogate ako ng undercover police at kagawad dito sa may DA, may riot daw na nangyari sa Philcoa. Baka pwede mo tawagan si Major para tulungan ako dito kasi naaabala ako may client pa akong dapat puntahan ngayon". I sent it to my other phone number which is saved as "B" on my contacts.

I did that to intimidate the "kagawad", to let him know that I already know what they are up to, and to threaten him that I know someone who can bust them and have them arrested.

On the other hand, while I was keeping my cool and trying to be brave, I felt very disturbed and afraid not knowing what I should do next in order to escape them. I was not sure if letting the kagawad know that I already know about their dirty tactics is a good move, but at that time, I was already preparing myself to the worst that can happen, just in case they have guns or knives that they can use on me.

After 5 mins, PO1 Eric and Joy came back, with Joy looking very afraid. PO1 told me that it's my turn to go with him, and just like Joy, I should leave my things. He asked me to leave my bag to Joy. At that time, I hesitated. (Excuse me, it's my Gucci Bag, iPhone and 10K cash at stake and I cannot entrust that to someone I barely know). I know that when I leave my things with her, she's just going to run away with it. She's part of this group and this whole interrogation thing!

I said I will not leave my things no matter what. The police officer already changed his tone and became aggressive. He already used bad words on me. He threatened me that I was acting guilty and that he will arrest me. I said I am not afraid if he'll arrest me because I am innocent and have nothing to do with anything that transpired at the riot. I told the police officer and the kagawad. But I just cannot entrust my valuables to someone I do not know. I am not that stupid. And I also told them that if they intend to bring me to the station and be interrogated, I will call our family lawyer first. I told him that what they were doing is illegal. I told them I know police SOP during this kind of situation and that he (the police officer) can be reprimanded and be filed a case with what he is doing to me. (I tried to conceal my shaky voice). I saw the kagawad whispered something to him.

The police officer suddenly changed tones, and told me that he believes me and that he will no longer ask me to come with him to the precinct. He and Joy left immediately and the kagawad followed them. I rushed to get a taxi cab.

Inside the cab, I was shaking. Aside from the intense heat, it's the feeling of fright and not knowing what bad can happen which really got into my nerves. I felt so relieved and I cannot thank all the angels enough who have saved me from that situation.

When I got home, I immediately called my sister and told her about the incident. I wanted to warn her, I wanted to keep her away from the bad guys. For I know should it had been her on the situation, she will be frightened to death and will be left robbed with everything. (I just cannot let that happen)

After I got my composure back, I cannot help but feel bad afterwards. I felt bad that there are people who are up to going that far to decoy, scam and rob other people. I felt bad, thinking that after me, what if there is someone who got victimized by this group and left with his/her things taken? And I felt bad not being able to report it to the police immediately, since I was actually on a rush to meet a client.

I wrote this post to warn everyone about this new (I am not sure if this modus operandi is NEW) tactics bad guys do to get things from people. I would like you guys to spread the word and make everybody else be aware and informed. This is a lesson for everyone. Do not talk to strangers. If they introduce themselves to be police authorities, politely ask for their identification or police badge to be sure. Do not trust just anybody with your things, and in case of compromised safety or instances where you find yourself in the midst of frightening and dangerous circumstances, clear your mind and think of ways how you can escape safely, and pray pray pray.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing! This is very helpful to a lot of people.

Glad nothing bad happened to you.

Anonymous said...

Omg buti nothing happened to you, eh ano ngayon kung may tattoo ka?? My bro has a sleeve and a couple more tatts, i will tell your story to him, thanks for sharing this.

miss D said...

Thanks for sharing. FYI to everyone, In case someone would approach you and identify himself as a police officer, ask for the badge and what police station he belongs. As to the precinct scenario, police cannot interrogate a suspect without thr presence of an attorney if u cannot provide urself with an atty they should provide one for you. From the foregoing facts, i see that "Joy" is a part of it and it was a good thing you didnt leave your belongings and acted so bravely however it was a very scary thing becoz what if they had a gun or knife and pointed it at you when.u refused to give your items? its best not to talk to strangers. You never know who to trust these days. :) God bless you.

Anne Michelle said...

Will share this one. Good ur safe

Anonymous said...

I'm assuming nakarira ka siguro sa Teachers Vill or malapit ka lang dun...Dapat sa mga taong ganyan binabaril sa ulo regardless kung anuman ang dahilan nila.. Nakakairita lang na isa sila sa mga dahilan kung bakit hindi umaasenso ang Pilipinas.. Maraming salamat sa pagshashare.. I'll ask all ng Teachers Village to read this... Thanks much!!

Pia said...

This is really true also happened to my office mate at Guadalupe area, she was approached by a man and introduced himself as a policeman, Same thing really happened,but she refused to talk and left immediately. this is really an eyeopener and a warning to everyone. Thanks and God bless. Can I share this on my FB page?

Anonymous said...

You should also share this on your facebook account so that more people would be aware of this incident. Thank you for sharing this though, good thing nothing happened really bad to you!

Anonymous said...

the best way to avoid such misfortunes is to avoid talking to strangers nor making eye contact with them. walk faster like you're busy or something. kasi most of these people also use hypnosis. Glad you're safe! God Bless

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this. I live in UP Village and the city hall is just walking distance from my place. It's really scary knowing that seriously bad things happen very near your home. I hope the bad guys will be busted soon.

Em-Em said...

I shared it through my FB account so that others may be aware and warned as well...

Anonymous said...

Same thing happened to me at gracepark caloocan when i was in high school, same modus may na bugbog daw na kamag anak nya and mga highschool kid ang pasimuno. Sinabihan ko lang sya ng "hindi ako taga dito wala kong alam dyan" witch is true sabay walk out at hindi naman ako hinabol pa

Pointless Paranoia said...

Thanks for sharing your experience. Nakakalungkot talaga na marami na talagang mga masasamang loob sa paligid. Maging maingat lang tayo palagi at huwag padadaig sa kaba. Ang galing ng nagawa mo para iligtas ang sarili mo sa kapahamakan.

Anonymous said...

tnx for sharing po, i am also from commonwealth and i used to go in q.c circle during weekends to have family day with my nieces and nephews.. grabe kakatakot po malaman na may gnyang modus along that area...

Anonymous said...

OMG! parang nangyari na rin yan sakin... sa trinoma pa ah! gosh the nerve ni Kuya! the same story too! tinatanong ako kung katropa ko raw ung mga lesbo na nambastos sa pamangkin niya, etc... started to ask me for an ID and nagpakilala as a 'secret agent'... buti na lang super daming tao dun at pinakita kong magtatantrums na ako sa harap niya kasi nagmamadali ako... thank GOD nilubayan niya ako!

Anonymous said...

wow thanks for sharing...

Anonymous said...

I was getting nervous while reading your experience hanggang sa natatakot na ko kasi with just putting myself in that situation... Grabe di ko alam ano mangyayari eh. Pwedeng sasabihin ko na, "teka tatawag muna ako sa tatay ko para magkita kami dito saka nyo ko sama sa presinto." kaso baka kung anong gawin nila... Just a question, since i have no way to personally send you a message po. Nung may chance ka mag-text, hindi mo na rin ba naisip na to make a call na lang or binawalan ka nung "kagawad"? Brusko ba yung katawan nya or pwede mo naman syang gulpihin then takbo ng mabilis kung san maraming tao? Thank you for sharing this to us. And thank God walang iba pang masamang nangyari syo.

Nobody said...

My friend had the same situation last year. He also passed by this certain man who introduced himself as a kagawad, asking him if he could come because his nephew got into a fight and that they were looking for the culprits. Exactly the same thing except for the fact that it happened in Caloocan.

It's a sign that we should learn to pray and ask for God's guidance each time we go out of the house. Good thing, you were able to come up with a plan to get away from them.

Anonymous said...

Kudos. The exact same thing happened to me in a mall back when I was a kid. I wasn't so lucky. Tweeted your post for great justice. Thanks mucho. :)

Anonymous said...

actually, same thing happened to me 10 years ago (I was 14 that time). Quick thinking save me then, but people really should know the proper process so they already know if they are being trapped by these criminals. And more importantly, don't easily believe in strangers. :)

Anonymous said...

Matagal ng modus to sir! 2x na nangyari sa akin to. isa sa may SM North during my high school days and the other one was at taytay rizal municipal hall. Good thing magaling ako mang-psyho. Hinahanapan ko sila ng ID or any form of identification, sabi ko dadating ung erpats kong pulis to fetch me. Yung isa naman sabi ko dun tayo sa may security guard nang malaman natin kung totoo ngang may nangyari dito. Hindi nila ko maisama. May mga kasama yan na nagmamanman sa paligid kunwari nagtetext. Remember to keep your focus, lilituhin ka nila and will force you to cooperate. Pero tandaan mo, they cant make such a scene in public places. Alam nila yun kaya they will force you to go with them. Keep your cool and talk as if alam mo na ung modus nila.

RJG said...

First of all, thank you guys for taking time to read this post. I am happy that nothing bad happened to me and that nothing was taken from me. Just to update you guys, Through the help of Ms Cecille Van Straten of and the people who retweeted the link to this post, it has reached the attention of one of the good councilors in Quezon City and I was informed that actions will be taken to investigate the incident. I do pray that this group gets busted the soonest time possible so as they can no longer victimize other people. I want you guys to continue spreading the word to warn your family and friends about this existing modus so they can be aware and alert at all times. Again, thank you guys!

Anonymous said...

bading ka ba? bkt ka naka gucci?

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

bading ka ba? bkt ka naka gucci?"

---> What an impertinent question.

Anyway, it is really surprising how these people can wield their intellects that they managed to carefully develop such a vile plot but they can't even find a morally decent job to feed themselves.

Constant vigilance people!

Anonymous said...

Nagtatanong lang si Anonymous... kasi the way sya mag kwento theres something eh... Curious lang sya, eh ano kung bading sya right? nagtatanong lang....

RJG said...

It's a Gucci Men's Messenger bag. Hehe...

Anonymous said...

Wow bravo for your alertness and presence of mind to not surrender your things and give them that spiel about SOP and stuff. Good thinking. At least nothing happened to you. I'll keep this in mind and also the comment of one reader above, to just say "wala along alam diyan" and just walk away. Take care

Nino said...

The same thing happened to me way back in 2000. I was a high school student then. Same MO.

Let's all be safe.

Anonymous said...

This happened to me last 2 years ago. Buti na lang tumanggi lang ako ng tumanggi sa kanila. Tsaka pinipilit nila akong sumama somewhere madilim/malayo, grabe. Buti nakaalis ako at nakatawag ng mga guards. Ingat guys! Ingat!

Anonymous said...

this is EXACTLY what happened to me on my first day in UP. i was still a freshman and was stupid enough to come with them and entrust them with my wallet (which thankfully contained only a small amount of money) and an old phone. still, they conned me out of my belongings, and i hope they get what's coming to them!!!

TheFreeloader said...

This kind of article should be shared. Thank you so much for being so brave to share your story. I will definitely want everyone to read this.

disappointed said...

10K para magpamedical certificate sa QCHall? Hmmmmm are you sure?

Anonymous said...

First of all, this is not a new case of robbery. This has been ganging up innocent people for years already.

Second, why would you get your medical certificate in City Hall, are you a minimum wage earner? And i believe you are not affiliated to any company that would require you to get your medical certificate.

Lastly, i know this person and is so found of creating stories that would bring him in pedestal. This person has created so many stories that ganged up so many people especially at work.

Come on, please stop making stories, okay? Grow up and live an honest life!

Anonymous said...

*a honest life

my work is done here.

RJG said...

Hi! I'm sorry but if I know you, you should not be hiding under an anonymous post. First of all, If you have read my entire post, it was my first time to know of that kind of robberry modus operandi that's why I said it's "new" (to me). I only learned that it has been existing for a long time through the comments of other people who have commented.

Secondly, I needed a medical certificate/permit from the Quezon City hall because it is a requirement for anyone who aims to work in QC, in case you do not know. My new job is in QC that is why I needed to have one. And just to answer your question, I am not a minimum wage earner (I do not even get why that even have to come up).

And thirdly, I do not understand why you have to say that I am dishonest and that I am just making up stories. I do not find any reason as to why I need to fabricate stories like this. This is something that really happened to me and my only reason of sharing this is to let everyone know about this existing conning acts.

And lastly, you making negative and derogatory remarks about me and my character is something I do not want to dwell upon. I do not know why you needed to go this far to gang up on me, but whatever. You certainly do not matter to upset me. I have no respect for you.

And if your "work here is done", I'd better not hear from you again. You cannot just make negative remarks about one person which aren't true at all, and get away just like that.

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

just happened to me yesterday! May 5, 2012.Buti walang nakuha sa akin. Can you describe them? Baka kasi sila lang din ang gumagawa nito. Since sa Philcoa ito nangyari, sakin naman, dito sa Fairview nangyari. thank you! ingat tayo palagi. :)

Anonymous said...

nangyari na to saken sa cainta,rizal area sa kasamaang palad nakuha ipod touch ko at 450 same strategy pero 2 lng cla at 2ngkol nman dun sa kasama nilang hinipuan kung saan saan pa kame dinala pinaghiwalay pa ung isa sa kanila lesbian dn BUNGAL!!! ung isa lalake naka blak dn ung lesbian bka iisa lng nmbiktima satin