Sunday, November 6, 2011

Styling Gig: ASAP 11-06-11

Went to ASAP today to style my boys (despite the fact that they have Joey with them na, LOL)

So much fun, as always, to hang out with my friends from the glitzy showbizlandia. 

Sharing with you some of snapshots I was able to take in between chit-chats and goofing around, using my handy Nokia N9. :p

BOYS R BOYS (sans JM aka Angelito) Thanks Terranova for the clothes! :)

Baby JM de Guzman being prepped up before his "Angelito" prod. 

Tom Rodriguez, being groomed.

Very funny Jayson Francisco. He is so adorable in person. First time to meet and hang-out with him. Sis Kiray introduced him to me.

Jayson's henna tattoo of a cross bearing the station's name: ABS-CBN. lol
He's super funny!!!

Kuya Jayson being groomed before his prod number.

Markki, looking cutesy preppy. Oh gosh, I can't tell you how much of a struggle we, particularly him, to be able to achieve a decent look for his prod with the boys. But kudos to you Markki boy for standing up for what you think is better. Good job!

My favorite boys rehearsing before their Christmas Song production, with teacher Annie. They are so cute!

Like school boys rehearsing for a school presentation. :))

So there. A lil glimpse of how I spend my time in ASAP. It is actually mostly chikahan, goofing around, eating and singing more than my actual styling for my celeb friends. :)

Hope you guys had a wonderful Sunday!

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