This is an open letter to you my big sister, my spiritual guide and my inspiration.
Dear B,
How are you? You must be busy in Cebu right now working hard, making sure that P is at his best for his grand event later. Oh well, you are always busy, and always hard working. ALWAYS.
Anyway, I am writing you this letter to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. I wrote this knowing that you will never really get to read this, heck, you may not even know this letter exists. But I just want to share to everyone our story and to show them how grateful I am on the impact you have made in my life.
It started from last night's dream about you and M. It just dawned on me how you two (who I really love and care about) are at the extreme ends of my life right now. You at the closest and him at the farthest. It breaks my heart, for you were once both at the same end. But nevertheless, I am thankful and I feel blessed that you were the one who remained close.
I have said this to you already, but I did not know if it did impact you as much as I really wanted to: THANK YOU so much for always being there, (especially during darkest time (so far) of my life). Breaking into pieces were much easier to deal with because of the many things you shared to me, the advice you gave me, and all the lessons you taught me.
Thank you for your heart that listens first before it feels. It was really a big help for me to have someone whom I can talk to---someone whom I can be completely honest about everything and not feel ashamed of sharing even the shameful issues of my life, for I know you do not judge easily.
Thank you for helping me rediscover my faith and my special connection with Him. This has got to be the best gift I have ever received---the gift of rekindled faith. You made me believe again, and with that, everything seemed to have fallen into their rightful places.
Thank you for your prayers. While everybody else is busy gossiping about me, hating on me, or turning their backs on me, you did what a true friend does---you prayed for me, and for all the people who affect me.
Thank you for making me realize that real friendship is not really about the amount of time you spend together. It's not about common interests and likes. And definitely not about the labels (babe, sis, bestfriend, bestie, lovey, etc.), for labels are best left on clothes and not on people. It is about the quality of moments you share, the learning you share with each other, and how you help each other grow as a person. Our's definitely is way beyond our common love for Tinkerbelle, Toblerone, Videoke and a whole lot more. Our's is deeper, something I don't want to define by words.
I always forgive easily, you know that. But you made it easier for me, even to the people whom have caused me so much pain. You made the pain easier to bear, and you helped me eradicate all the hate. In that case, you also helped me to move on easier and faster.
Thank you for seeing the good in me. I know I am not perfect. I may be a drama-queen sometimes, or a bitchy bitch or maybe a TMI kind of friend at some point, but I know you always tried to see the good in me. I may be a mess when it comes to relationships with people, be it with friends or lovers, but despite that, you never turned your back on me. It's always nice when you feel you are appreciated especially whenever you are down, and you certainly did not fail me on that.
And lastly, thank you for preparing me for the things which may still come to break me. I know that what I have been through is just one part of my journey. And there will be more to come. I can say that I am more prepared now. Thank you for shaping my mind, my heart and my spirit, so I can take on the next challenges God will give me.
I honestly owe to you a big part of what I am today, of what I have become as a person and how I think and feel about things and people.
You humble me so much with how good your heart is, and how good you do things to other people.
Walang echos, but you truly are an inspiration to me. I wish I could also do the same things you did to me, to other people. I wish I could also pass on what I have learned from you. And I wish to also inspire others the way you inspired me.
Out of all the people whom you have in your life now, please know that I am one of the many who will forever be thankful for a lot of things: for the meaningful friendship, for the life-long learnings, and for the love and prayers. I will also be one who will run miles, swim oceans and climb mountains for you when you need me. I will always be here for you, just like how you have always been there for me too.
I know you will never get to read this anyway, but in case you do, please don't let me know. haha!
I love you so much!
May God bless us with more years of friendship and unending life-lessons.