Thursday, April 5, 2012


This has been the question running through my mind, after hearing the news about Jenna Talackova, a transgender candidate for Miss Universe Canada, pushing a legal battle on the edge against MUC and MUO (Miss Universe organization), on her being disqualified to compete on the said pageant.

Well, as of most recent news, Donald trump, owner of the MUO, has already said that she can compete on the said pageant "provided that she meets all legal gender recognition requirements of Canada, and the standards established by other international competitions".

However, having this statement from Trump, Ms. Talackova still is unconvinced and wants to have everything straight and simple, whether she will be allowed to compete or not.

Anyway, I just want to give my two-cents about the issue.

I admire Jenna's courage to stand up for her rights and for what she believes in. I respect her stand about equality and fight against gender discrimination  (which I would like to assume what she is fighting for and her purpose why she joined the pageant). However, I find a bit of a gray area on the ground of pushing gender equality---I seriously believe she is pushing it too hard, and maybe not even doing good for the good of everyone in the long run.

As you see, one of the RULES of the pageant is to only allow naturally born females to compete. Our society might be changing, but that doesn't really mean we also need to change the rules about everything. In this age that more and more the transgender population, or the gay community in general, is being accepted in the society, we cannot EXPECT nor FORCE all our beliefs and shove it down to everybody in the guise of fighting for equality.

I totally respect Jenna, but you cannot expect to change the world overnight. There are just rules we all need to follow, and these rules are not just there and created to discriminate nor restrict the freedom of people to choose their gender/sexuality and express it and show it to the world. But these rules are there to keep things in line and in their proper places.

And that's why there are gay pageants and beauty pageants for transgenders around. There is always the right venue for everything. Labeling or Categorizing as you may say it is, but we all need to know our place in this world.

I completely understand though, where she is coming from, and her battle may be a good start to the kind of equality and non-discriminating world she is aiming for. But let's face it, it will not happen in an instant.

She may be allowed to compete on the pageant, she may even win Miss Universe Canada and compete for Miss Universe. That's good for her, but that will only lead to a more challenging and bigger battle for her and for her purpose of joining the pageant.

I do think that the world is not yet ready for "women with history" to take over the world of "real women".

In a nutshell, Miss Universe (and any other beauty pageants) is a celebration of womanhood and femininity. And you don't just call someone a woman just because she (already) has a vagina. Womanhood is far more beyond anatomy. Let us respect that fact.

And to Jenna, I totally respect and accept you, you are beautiful, but it's Miss Gay Universe for you dear, not Miss Universe. You should also learn to respect and accept that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with you!