Saturday, October 29, 2011


Hi guys! So tonight probably was the highlight of the entire fashion week---the Penshoppe Fashion Show featuring young Thai superstar Mario Maurer.

It is very evident that this show was the most successful this season, with the massive (and I mean MASSIVE) turn out of people who went in to see the heartthrob from Bangkok. And with the huge number of guests, majority were actually not able to come inside the venue. I feel for them , wherein most of them actually came from far places and spent hundreds of bucks just to get hold of an invite. It turned out that Penshoppe actually sent and gave out tickets more than the venue can accomodate.

Anyway, to those who were not able to catch the show live and see Mario in the flesh, please let me share with you some of the photos I took (using my Nokia N9) during the show. Of course, this is Mario overload, so are you ready?

This first shot really just made my day. I was seated at the front row and he stopped right infront of me and he said "HI!" 

BAM!!! The perfect shot of the night! (I just died! My dear friend Markki who was seated beside me was laughing at me hysterically coz I was acting such a fan boy! LOL)

Anyway, enjoy the rest of the photos I took. Too bad I wasn't able to bring in a decent camera, anyway my N9 (Thank you again NOKIA for sponsoring a new phone for me. ^_^ ) did the job for me, and all I can say is..... NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN, MARIO! And again, you ate my heart out...

After a short intro video, Mario came out and the crowd just went C-R-A-Z-Y!!!

Cute shoes. It was so funny coz I was just below him, where he was standing, and I felt like a fanatic worshiping the patron saint of cuteness. LOL

He looked at me again! <3

Mario Maurer and VJ Utt. And on the far right, my bestie MAC!!!!! :)

Final look. The crowd went HYSTERICAL!!! Seriously!!!

So there! Hope you liked the photos. I have more but will reserve them for future posts. :P But the night was so fun and amazing. Twas kinda sad though coz some of my friends who went to the venue to watch were not able to get in and witness the show. 

Kudos to my bestfriend Mac Manicad for working the runway. Great job! :)

And thanks to my other bestfriend Markki Stroem for accompanying me on the front row and serving as my shock absorber during the "Mario Moment". :p

Our pic at the frontrow. I looked so haggard after the whole Mario Moment. LOL

And lastly, thank you PENSHOPPE for my cool outfit for the night. Amazeballs!

Shirt, Pants, Bracelet and Purse from PENSHOPPE. Shoes and Belt from Zara.

Looking forward to the next Mario Maurer x Penshoppe event.


Have a great night!!!

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