Wednesday, January 25, 2012

SnapIt: Screen Capture Software

To people like me whose lives practically revolves around computers and the internet, the use of a Screen Recorder Software is actually very helpful and convenient in some situations.

Everyday, I always browse the internet for interesting fashion stuff that I can talk about on my blog, well, I do that not just for my blog but I personally am always in the look out for new stuff. Often times, I save stuff on my computer, mostly images of stuff that I like and inspires me. (read: not for the purpose of copyright infringement, plagiarizing or anything to that effect.) I actually have this folder in my computer which I call "THINK TANK" where I store images and basically all the stuff that interest me and inspires me creatively. One of the major problems that I encounter is when I reach websites with so much interesting stuff yet disallow the saving of their content (no right clicking allowed). I totally respect that, even though they are all too being selfish. haha, just kidding. So I always resort to doing screen captures (Print screen) then using photoshop to crop and save images from the page to JPEG. So much hassle!

Now I am actually happy that SnapIt has come into my radar.

It saves me from the cropping and extra work on my captures. It takes a snapshot of everything you need on your screen and saves it automatically.

It is also very easy to learn and use.

Using SnapIt Screen Capture Software only takes THREE SIMPLE STEPS:

1. Once you have downloaded the software, launch the program icon, usually appears on the minimized system tray:

2. Click the PrtSCr (Print Screen) button and select with mouse what you need to capture on the screen. (read: you can just simply select the part/portion on the page you want to save.) After Selecting the region it is automatically copied to the clipboard.

3. Save a snapshot from the clipboard with any way you like:

  • Ceate a new dosument using Microsoft Word , and simply paste image from the clipboard to the document you are making by pressing ctrl+v (paste). Easy as that.
  • Open Adobe Photoshop, create a new image or on an open image, you may also just simply paste (ctrl+v) the image you saved on the clipboard. Very convenient to designers like me.
  • Or just "right Click" it on the snapIt icon in the system tray and you will see a menu where it can enable you to save the captured image as either .bmp, .png., or .jpg file.

One extra amazing feature of SnapIt which sets it aside from other screen capture softwares, is that it enables you to automatically save all the images you capture in one assigned folder, with your preferred image format/type. It definitely saves you all the time and effort of saving all captured images in one location in jjust one click.

I totally recommend you guys using this software, whether you are a Graphic Designer, a Technical Writer, a Marketing Professional, a Blogger, or even just a simple internet/computer enthusiast.

For more information about SnapIt, visit their website: <a href="">Screen Capture Software</a>

Screen Capture Software

Happy Snapping! :)

*UPDATE: I will be giving away free SnapIt softwares courtesy of SnapIt and Digeus. Will keep you posted very very soon! :)

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